Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How many allowances for married filing joint, both work.?

Ug! I get so confused on this allowances thing. SO, when we are filling out our W-4 to determine our withholdings each do both of us claim ourself and each other or just claim one allowance each. I REALLY want to get this figured out because I am having to pay this year and is sucks. I was of course filing single but I think I still messed up this wrong thing. It does not make sense to me that you can have these allowances yet you end up paying if you choose them.How many allowances for married filing joint, both work.?
Turn the W4 over and use the calculations on the back. It will give you a pretty good estimate of what you should have withheld in order not to owe next year.
  • zits
  • How long does it take to get entrance permission after getin married with a netherlanders?

    im a mexican girl who is planning to marry a netherlander,but unfortunately i cant speak dutch, im just learning it. they have told me in order to be able to enter Holland and meet my partnet i have to speak dutch fluently. is that the same for all international marriages?How long does it take to get entrance permission after getin married with a netherlanders?
    No. You generally have to be able to converse fluently with the person in a language you both share. If you both speak English, for example, it should be enough for some countries.How long does it take to get entrance permission after getin married with a netherlanders?

    How do I get married if I am under 18, and my Fiancee is under 18 as well in Florida?

    I get that I could get parental consent to do that but I'm trying to avoid that. Basically I want to elope with my girl quietly then have an ';official'; marriage later on where all my family is invited and stuff. Yay for secret marriage!How do I get married if I am under 18, and my Fiancee is under 18 as well in Florida?
    You have to have permission of parents if you are underage. Until age 18 your parents are legally responsible for you and therefore you cannot make adult decisions without their consent, until you are an adult yourself.

    If you two are so sure marriage is the right path for you, waiting until you are of legal age won't change that. You're both going to go through a LOT of changes in the near future as you grow and mature into the adults you will be...you may find you aren't as good a match at that time as you feel you are now. Wait, and make sure it's the best decision for you both.How do I get married if I am under 18, and my Fiancee is under 18 as well in Florida?
    Are you sure you even wanna do that...

    There are laws that pertain to rape, especially if yall both are underage. You might wanna wait until you at least get into college or graduate before even considering marriage.

    From what I hear, Florida is very conservative and I highly doubt you can even do that.
    Im sorry

    but this is a bad idea

    im sure you're in love and have had a past and many feelings for one another

    but i implore you to wait

    a person should never have to run off and do something this life changing in secret

    please i beg you

    think on this a while longer and talk to all of your family

    why can't you just wait a few more months till you're 18? what would it hurt?

    i mean you've waited this long!

    Marriage should never EVER be taking lightly
    under the age of 18 is still a minor, parents are legally responsible for them and any legal document will not be valid without their signature. So... you cant marry without consent.
    You foolish little boy. The fact is, you don't! You tink you know what you want now, but in a few years, it will all change.
    Boo for secret marriage. Your immaturity is quite obvious---therefore the reason why children cannot marry. Go to school. Marry when you grow up.
    No can do. In every state parental consent is require until both parties are 18.
    Mexico is close to Florida. They don't have any rules there.
    You wait until you're both legal like everyone else.

    Sheesh. What the heck can't you wait a couple years for??
    isn't it easier playing 'doctor' or something, rather than playing 'house'?

    How can I find records from naval personnel who have been married and divorced at sea?

    I am checking into a marriage that took place at sea and ended in divorce at sea. I'd like to get proof that this divorce actually took place! What department would I contact to get this info?How can I find records from naval personnel who have been married and divorced at sea?
    You can not get divorced at sea, it requires a civilian court. The divorce might have been finalized while one or both were at sea, but it did not happen there.How can I find records from naval personnel who have been married and divorced at sea?
    can't get divorced at sea.

    How much does it cost to live in UGA dorms for married couples?

    There are actually two parts to this question, can you live in the married couples dorm/apartment if you are only engaged? Cause me and my boyfriend plan to get engaged when i enter college but not get married til we are out of college, Can we still live in those dorms?

    The second part of my question is this; Is it more expensive to live in the UGA dorms/apartments for married couples, or just get an apartment on campus?

    Please answer, and thanks ahead of time!How much does it cost to live in UGA dorms for married couples?
    The rules do allow for domestic partners to occupy family housing. See the FAQ section under the first hyperlink in the source section below.

    The rates range from $510-$572/month for a 1 BR/ 1Ba apartment. Each apartment includes an electric range, frost-free refrigerator, air conditioner, electric heating, high speed Internet access and cable television service. You will save money living on campus as you won't have the commute to the campus at least once a day, more if your schedules are different. ';Just get an apartment on campus'; is not an option. You would have to be off campus to do that. Housing on campus is all run by UGA.

    How long should it be after a proposal to finally get married?

    My boyfriend of 14 years decided to finally propose in 2005 but till now has mentioned nothing in terms of marriage. We have three beautiful kids together.He has cheated several times, could this be the cause of us not getting married as he could still be searching for someone else to wed out there.

    Am confused %26amp; don't know what to think, was this a way of putting me in one place while he can still move on with his life.

    Would love to hear your answers.How long should it be after a proposal to finally get married?
    Does he think you're not planning a wedding so you don't care to be married?

    And if he's cheating, do you really want to be married to him? How many other kids does he have out there?

    You want a wedding though it seems, so get it planned and tell him when to be there. Brides don't get to be brides by sitting and waiting on the guy to tell them what to do next.How long should it be after a proposal to finally get married?
    He's cheated several times and took 14 years to propose? Why, cuz of the economy? Why now?

    To answer your main question, it takes about a year to 2 years for all the planning of a traditional wedding -- to get a date and all that. So it's not about ';how long should it be'; but how long does it take.

    But honestly, even though you have children together, I wouldn't marry this man -- I wouldn't even be with him. I don't deal with cheating. But that's your decision.
    Most people get married within a year of proposal. Some people 2 years. Why marry a guy that cheated on you several times? Just because you have kids doesn't mean you have to get married. If you really want to marry this guy then start planning the wedding. Buy some wedding books and start working toward a plan. Throw a calendar down and give him a choice of 3 or 4 dates in the next 6 months. He either picks one or he doesn't. Either way you know how serious he is about moving forward with the wedding. Sounds to me like he doens't care or he would have already pulled the trigger.
    I think you stated it perfectly - he was putting you in one place so he can still move on with his life. He probably proposed to give you what you wanted, so it seems like he's committed. Once he has you happy and preoccupied with thoughts of marriage, he's free to go out and cheat again. Over the past 4 years haven't you mentioned a wedding to him? 4 years is a looooong time for an engagement.
    He will not change just because you get married. If he cheats now, he will cheat later. If you want a happy married life, you are obviously with the wrong man. He isn't marrying you because he's happy with the present situation. He likes having a quasi-wife at home, and dating other women. You can't change other people. You can only change yourself. Empower yourself to live the life that will make you happy. You'll be stronger and happier. Good luck!
    If your going to plan a wedding then 6 to 19 month but if your not then 4 to 6 month is ok. Just make sure you can live together and that you have enough money to start off. Money is the number 1 reason why people get divorced.
    why should he cheat if he loves you, you are better than that. tell him to stop cheating and get married. or i m sorry to say. may be to him you are only mother of his children.
    7 years, once you get passes these first seven years your divorce chances cut down dramatically.

    What happens after a married solider returns from basic training?

    I just married my high school sweetheart .

    and he recently enlisted in the army .

    He leaves next month for training .

    What can i expect to happen when he returns?

    all i was told was that expect him gone for approx 6 months .

    answers appreciated =]

    i love to here from other army wives.What happens after a married solider returns from basic training?
    My guess would be , he'll leave a smile on your face. You can look forward to a ramrod straight young man coming back to you. If he doesn't now he will have a greater appreciation for you. Just realize that you may end up being mom and dad to any children you may have. I had a buddy in Nam that had 3 kids between 3 tours and was never there to see his kids born. He and his wife have been married since 1961 and things are still great. Married life is what you make it. Just be there for each other and let the guy upstairs take care of the rest. Good LuckWhat happens after a married solider returns from basic training?
    You mean as far as the mil is concerned?

    I hope so because if you're really that stumped......

    First he'll have to enroll you in DEERS(hopefully you can get enrolled before he leaves. That way if anything happens you'll be covered) then you'll have to find an apartment(or house if in Base Housing) at your first duty station.

    Remember though, after he graduates from basic there's AIS or other training. So don't get excited when you hear he'll be done w/ basic in 10 weeks 'cause he'll most likely leave straight from Basic to the training.
    From my experiences with friends that have gone into the military, I can tell you that he will NOT be himself for about 6 months after. Boot camp is to break down their personalities %26amp; rebuild them the way the army wants them. He will become himself again, slowly.

    Good luck, %26amp; goddess bless!
    After AIT they get 10 days leave if they will be stationed CONUS and 14 days for OCONUS. While in AIT he will arrange for housing on the base he gets his orders for, otherwise you'll find something off base with your BAH. The Army comes and packs up all your stuff for you and moves you. A very good website (it helped me out A LOT) was www.marriedtothearmy.com. There's really nothing else to know until he gets his official orders.
    He will go to bootcamp then straight to his Individual Training. Depending on what position he signed up for (MOS) will determine how long that training goes on for. Could take 6-8 weeks on the shorter end and some training is longer than 6 months. This is after the bootcamp which is 9 weeks. He will then have a week or so to come home at his expense before going to his station.
    Is he Reserve, National Guard or Active Duty? The way you write makes me think he's not Active Duty since you expect him to come back to where you are.

    He will be different, the age he joined at will effect how much different. The guys that join at 18 do a lot of growing up. The guys who are already adults when they join less so.
    not to be a downer but the love of my life went into the air force and she came out a completely different person. i couldn't be with her anymore because of it. the distance for 3 months with no contact at all certainly didn't help either...

    but all couples are different. maybe he'll handle it better than my ex did.
    You know what he will do.
  • zits