Friday, July 30, 2010

When you get married is the information automatically submitted to government agencies?

Please provide any sources you may have. If someone was married in Nevada but never reported it to social security, the state they lived, or anything does it get reported anyways? I'm just wondering, because it seems like when you get married it becomes a lot harder to get certain things done and if it is the case I'll just need to remain unmarried. Please give me accurate info and not just guess, thanks.When you get married is the information automatically submitted to government agencies?
uh... A marriage license is returned to the county where it was issued when complete. They do not input it into a national system. It falls on the individual, their employers, and occasional odd interested parties to report said marriage if at all to government agencies.

I've been married and unmarried. It's a lot easier to get things done legally with a spouse.When you get married is the information automatically submitted to government agencies?
uh..its a complete answer to your question

Get your mommy to read it to you

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When you get married the only thing that's automatic is the name change. You still need to go to social security to update your new name and get a new card reflecting that change. Once that's done, you can get a new drivers license in your new name. You still have to report your name change to any companies you do business with, ie. bank, credit card companies, loans.
In most states, the person who performs the ceremony has to acknowledge it on a form and send it to government officials (state, county, or maybe both). I'm not sure about Nevada, but it's probably the same.
you generally need to go down and change your name at social security office when you get married.

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