According to the Constitution of the US marriage is done by a legal document and therefore they can go to any justice of the peace to be married.
Which means they don鈥檛' need to go to a church and try to make a belief system accept what they are doing as a morally correct thing.
Therefore there is no reason for special laws they already have the right. And it should remain the right of churches not to marry them due to their believes.
How many people are aware of this? And knowing this does it change your opinion if you were for the law itself?How many people realize homosexuals are already allowed to get married?
i do and that is a major problem we are facing these days,How many people realize homosexuals are already allowed to get married?
Servant of which God are you?
You're completely right about churches being free to do as they choose regarding recognition of marriages. After all, what do churches have to do with how probate is administered following the death of a spouse in a gay marriage? Or how communal property laws are applicable in financial or legal matters relating to the couple? Or whether insurance companies extend health coverage benefits to the spouse of a gay person who buys a family insurance plan?
You hit the nail on the head - CHURCHES ARE NOT THE ISSUE. Nothing in the gay marriage arguments has anything whatsoever to do with churches. The issue is legality. Even in Massachusetts, churches and synoguogues and mosques and asrams are free to NOT marry homosexuals.
By focusing on the Constitution and the law, rather than what churches do, you've outlined your position, which is the essence of the argument for homosexual marriage rights. Congratulations on not letting the homophobe spin machine get in the way of your position!
Who cares??? Is it really going to hurt anyone??
Your interpretation of the Constitution in that regard, and the interpretation of the Supreme Court, differ in that regard.
Hey Beavis, you ever hear of this thing called ';laws at the state level';? No? I guess not.
I believe it is the state laws that don't allow them to marry.
not many people, really watch the news, I would say less than 40 %
Why do you think there has been a movement to amend the constitution to more clearly define marriage?
On the state levels there are laws prohibiting gay marriage. I am not sure why we or the government has such a huge interest in how two consenting adults wish to lead their lives or sanctify their relationships. As far as I am concern, if I don't agree with same sex marriage, I will not marry somebody of the same sex. However i have no right to limit their liberties based upon by personal beliefs.
In my state the law will not allow or recognize homosexual unions (marriage). Thankfully, our government had enough courage to determine that homosexuality was behavior immoral and distasteful enough to not deserve the sanctity offered by marriage.
Weather they can or not is irrelevant if they cannot be recognized by the government for the legal benefits of marriage.
Right of inheritance
Joint tax returns
Medical decisions when the spouse is incapacitated
SS survivor benefits
I thought Connecticut and Maine were the only states allowing this. I think gays are entitled to every right and privelge that everyone else on the planet are entitled to. Who are we to judge someone else's lifestyle or sexual preferences? More focus should be put on things that really matter like issues concerning the war, immigration, health care...things that really matter and affect us all. What a shame that these idiots that we all helped to put in office concentrate on such trivial matters instead of the things that mean something, like interfering in matters of the church and state...another unalienable right (choice of religious preferences). If the people of this great country worried more about the tragedies occurring daily that affect each and every one of us instead of the assinine issues being debated, this country (and the world) would be a far better place.
Everyone is aware of that.
state law prevents gay marriage in most states.
The problem is not the law. The problem is two groups fighting over who is right and wrong. The winner will try to outlaw the other's rights.
There's differences between civil unions and marriage and most people don't understand the laws of their state, let alone the federals laws. In some states, being a gay couple gives you legal rights to assets and benefits under a civil union. So, no you don't need to be married in a church to get the benefits of being married.
This whole controversy is about one group of Americans trying to suppress the rights of another group of Americans and that in itself is unconstitutional and morally wrong. The whole constitution was founded on the basis of not inhibiting the rights of the minority as dictated by the majority.
Same with the prochoice debate, though that's entirely different issue. Remember when Black people drinking from the same water fountains as white people was 'abnormal' and 'wrong'? Remember when women voting was 'morally wrong'?
America is all about the progression of equality and freedom. If you're not hurting anyone, then you should be allowed to conduct yourself, your lifestyle, and your beliefs in any way you choose. All the while having the same rights as the next.
If the only reason the government, state or federal, has for outlawing gay marriage is because of what it says in the Bible...then it shouldn't be an issue, as they have no business standing on that platform. If your religion is against it, or your views are against, you have the right to free speech to voice your opinion against it, but the government can't outlaw it for you. And the government has no right to say churches can't deny marrying gay couples, as the church should have that choice as well.
Marriage is about a commitment to the person you love and choose to share your life with. It is a legal and personal decision and it should be treated that way.
they have the right be be as miserable as the rest of us.
We need entertainment,leave them alone! We also need population control!
Yes, because of separation of religion and state.
And also, because it is also the product of long and hard struggle for equality of rights of the gay movement.
And on some occasions, even if they are not married, same-sex couples assert their equality status with the heterosexuals. This could be seen on some of US jurisprudence like in the case of Braschi vs Stahl Associates, a 1989 case on the issue of eviction of a domestic partner from a rent-controlled apartment in the event of a partner's death. The New York's highest court defined here the term ';family'; as should not be rigidly restricted to those people who have formalized their relationship by obtaining, for instance, a marriage certificate.
Why do you care? Mind your own business if you don't like it.
This is a bunch of crap!
Marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN only!
1 Man + 1 Woman = Marriage!
We need a Constitutional amendment that will affirm this for certain, and stop people from implementing the abnormal as normal.
Homosexuals do have the same rights as everyone else to marry the opposite sex partner of their choice, but w're not going to change the rules for them, just as we're not going to allow necrohiliacs to marry corpses, or animal lovers to marry their dogs.
what can we do to stop this? even the Churches are allowing ppl to marry same sex......
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